domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Urban digital media

The digital and programming systems necessary for the functioning of the urban spaces that comprise Milla Digital


The urban water wall is an interactive fountain system
in which falling streams of water can be controlled by
digital means. The streams can be started and stopped
or their pressure changed. The wall is urban scaled,
like a canal running through the city, but twisted into
the vertical plane so that one can experience it from a

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Kansas Pedestrian Bridges

Renovating the decks of these bridges, downtown Kansas City, whose intention was to change the usefulness of the bridges to include increased attention to the pedestrian experience.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

The High Line

Muestra a través de video las etapas de la construcción del High Line en Nueva York.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

grupo.04 [instalación temporera]

grupo.04 [presentación preliminar]

Pedestrian bridge

The sinuous and segmented design of the bridge winds above the valley, along a distance of about 220 m. The central bay takes the perpendicularity to the line of the valley. The other two sections are inflected and oriented towards their anchoring points. The connection between the two points is no longer the shortest distance between them. The tensioned geometry of its layout interferes with visual orientation and with the perception of dominating heights of “Serra da Estrela”, on one side, and with the vastness of Cova da Beira on the lower side.

Urban Overlap

This project explores an alternative vertical urban extension to an existing old conserved residential district due for Urban Restoration. The conservation of Old Bell Tower District results in overcrowding, degeneration and poor living conditions. Building up on existing fabric creates social spaces, greenery and commercial vitality. The functional distribution of the residential district requires a mixture of conservation and new insertions to revitalize and improve living conditions. New Pedestrian roads are given by sky bridges, together with landscaping, public spaces, and new commercial nodes. New residential typologies arises in respond to the new urban interface.

Urban Ecopoesis

The paradigm shift in world view from an anthropocentric perspective to an ecological one calls for the need to improve biodiversity in Singapore. This requires the design of ecological networks from the Master Plan down into the programming of closed-loop bio systems and into detail habitat design. The thesis investigates architecture as a medium that synergies with nature and ecology by marrying bio-remediation urban infrastructure, with an ecological program of a Greenschool that is based on outdoor environmental education, in order to create physical linkage between two forest patches as well as the social connection between public and biodiversity.

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

singapore university of technology and design

From UNstudio, the school, will be a driver of technological innovation and economic growth. The campus space intends to become a common platform to bring together people, ideas, and innovation.

The Cook, the Farmer, His Wife and Their Neighbour

Huertos comunitarios en Amsterdam reclaman el regreso de la produccion local.
Este es otro proyecto de participacion comunitaria que combina arquitectura y aspectos sociales.


Ecological & Flood Protection Mechanisms


Objetivo de desarrollo

Desarrollar programas de integración social que apunten a revertir los procesos de fragmentación y exclusión. El proyecto apunta a un objetivo estratégico referido al grado de cohesión social y territorial mejorando la calidad de sus habitantes a través de intervenciones en diferentes dimensiones: espacios públicos recuperados, plan de mejoramiento de fachadas y viviendas.

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Esquicio 2 : Grupo 4

Análisis Propuesta

Diagramas Vistas

Hillside Terrace

Diferentes imágenes del complejo de Hillside Terrace en Tokyo.

El proyecto de Hillside Terrace es un complejo que se desarrolló en siete fases desde el 1969 hasta el 1992, correspondiendo así a los cambios de circunstancias en Tokyo. Una variedad de estrategias de diseño son usadas para crear una atmósfera única dentro del sitio. La fachada expresa varias relaciones entre el peatón y la acera donde los espacios externos están orientados a lo largo de dos ejes: uno paralelo a la calle, que regula las variaciones del altura y es un mediador entre el interior y exterior de un edificio. El segundo eje en contraste con el primero es un camino semiprivado que lleva al peatón a los espacios públicos entre cada edificio.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Collage City vs. Ciudad Análoga

"La concepción posmoderna de la ciudad tiene dos fuentes teóricas fundamentales: la "Collage City" de Colin Rowe y la "Ciudad Análoga" de Aldo Rossi. En este artículo se contraponen ambas, analizando las fuentes de pensamiento que le dan sustento, observando que si bien parten de ideas distintas, su punto de llegada es bastante cercano."

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Urban Renovation / A3+ Architects

recently finished an urban renovation project in , for an international competition. The project is situated in Porta Nuova, where the historical center of the city is connected to the sea by an urban road and an archeological park.

TecnoParque, Azcapotzalco, Mexico, por Mario Schjetnan

Este proyecto intenta rescatar areas urbanas que estan siendo abandonadas, malutilizadas y se enfoca en proveer espacios publicos ajardinados ecologicos como parte de un centro tecnologico educativo. En materia ecologica, se dio importancia al cuidado y reutilizacion del agua, para esto se desarrola una red de cisternas y captacion de agua pluvial para ser utilizado como riego de areas verdes.


martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Grupo 2: Esquicio 2

Shanghai Urban Masterplan

Urban Vertical Agriculture

with Isaac Strackbein

An integrated solution

We propose a project that integrates several solutions to pressing problems of Shanghai, among which are pollution, traffic, replacement housing, decreasing agricultural land and runaway development, and lays the foundation for a sustainable city redevelopment. A master plan places core buildings in Shanghai’s typical Lilong social housing districts from the 1900's which are on the brink of demolition throughout the city, and connects them through channel systems that are accompanied with bicycle and pedestrians thoroughfares.

The plan gives new viability to the Lilong housing districts, and reinvigorates the city with local urban cores that encourage local trade, social interaction and high quality affordable living environments. The cores contain mixed use urban centers activated by a program of market places, cultural facilities, public gardens, retail, commercial, residential and large scale urban agriculture. Some Lilong districts are sacrificed to create new viable conditions for others and the diagram of these Lilongs are turned inside out.

Video Grupo 2: Caño Martín Peña

Esquicio #2

Escenarios Urbanos
Instalacion Temporera -Grupo #1
Área Puente Barbosa
miercoles 12 enero 2011

Rock Climbing:
Parada de Guagua y área de recreación:
Cine exterior [bajo Puente Barbosa]:
Skate Park [bajo Puente Barbosa]:


ARCH402 LAS MONJAS from iOs on Vimeo.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

A Temporary Program for The Assigned Site of Group 3

I would like to quote a paragraph from "Landscapes of Infrastructure" by Elizabeth Mossop.
Infrastructure increasingly provides the public spaces of our cities, and the infrastructure of movement is essential presence in the developed world. Whether for cars, bicycles, or people, it is the connection of elements to one another that is the foundation of urban and suburban life. Like other infrastructure, roads are required to perform multiple functions: they must fulfill the requirements of public space and must be connected to other functioning urban systems of public transit, pedestrian movement, water management, economic development, public facilities, and ecological systems. These demands are therefore propelling new design approaches.
Group 3 is assigned to Bo. Las Monjas, this site is parallel to the Ponce De Leon Ave. in Hato Rey.
Jpeg above is a temporary proposed program, where the Condo. Las Gladiolas are currently standing but, soon to be demolished next month.
The program was developed to interact with it's surrounding of the High Income Area, with a Low Income Housing Site; without having the residents from Las Monjas feel excluded from the current affairs of a fast urban development.

Análisis Urbano | Caño Martín Peña

Grupo 04

Análisis Urbano Caño Martín Peña from albarene on Vimeo.

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Optic Garden

The Optic Garden functions as a sculpture on a traffic island celebrating the 2010 World Cup and marking one of the major routes to the inner-city match venues. The project was commissioned by the Johannesburg Development Agency as part of a citywide public art.

Green Hill/Tengiz Alaverdashvili By Hank Jarz

Lappset Group Oy has awarded the first prize of their international design competition for 3 Generations to ’s proposal “Green Hill”. His simplistic approach to a multi-generational, universal park space created a design that relies solely on its users for program, allowing for a inviting, relaxing atmosphere

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011


TRASHFORMACIONES es un colectivo creado por los hermanos Montoya, con la intención de crear instalaciones artísticas a partir de objetos reciclados.

laberinto de pizarras [art loop, exhibition]

La instalación-exposición “art loop” construye un paisaje lúdico de senderos y valles, protegido entre paredes onduladas. La superficie negra de las paredes, configura un lienzo variable donde los visitantes pueden participar y completar la exposición a tiempo real.

Big Tanks! // Animation

KUBIK estuvo instalado durante tres meses en una superficie sin utilizar en Berlin
. El concepto de construcciones temporales se concentran a menudo en lo escencial. Con algo mínimo se lograron paredes de luz, un bar, música y, encima, el cielo nocturno, tuvo tanto éxito que club de bidones se instaló en otras ciudades como Barcelona y Lisboa.

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Washington, D.C. USA

The scheme developed for the plaza repeats a circular motif in white, yellow, and grey recalling Breuer's use of geometric designs for screens, walls, and ceilings. The plaza is transformed through a strong ground plane, a series of concrete planters containing grass, and white lifesaver-shaped canopies. The 30 foot diameter planters double as seating. The canopies, fabricated of vinyl-coated plastic fabric, are raised 14 feet above the ground plane on steel poles. In sharp contrast to the heaviness and somberness of the architecture, these canopies and planters appear to float. As this plaza is built over an underground garage, the canopies also provide shade on a plaza that was not designed to support the soil required for trees.
Este proyecto, A8erna por NL Architects, interviene debajo de un puente aprovechando el espacio que pareciera ser remanente dándole un uso comunitario.


El concepto de Post-it City, ciudades ocasionales designa distintas ocupaciones temporales del espacio público, ya sean de carácter comercial, lúdico, sexual o de cualquier otra índole, con la característica común de apenas dejar rastro y de autogestionar sus apariciones y desapariciones

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

New Visions for Pedestrian Footbridge Design Competition winner / LEA Invent

The desired pedestrian routes established by time constitute the basis of the proposed urban strategy. Eliminating the vehicle traffic, the minimum area for the desired pedestrian motion is determined. This area is lifted 6 meters into the air and is enriched to be a pedestrian square by commercial and cultural activities. The square is also been transformed into small-scale park as needed for the surrounding settlements. As it isolates itself from its surroundings from place to place, it is linked where the axes expose the depth of perspective.

Espacio sociocultural en San Ciprian

Primer sketch de nuestra propuesta, la creación de una zona pública, apta para el público en general, con programas que buscan la integración social y cultural. Dado que el site tiene una ubicación geográfica imponente y un tamaño monumental, por medio de esta propuesta se busca activarlo de modo productivo, estableciendo un espacio apto para múltiples actividades para la comunidad, en un período que trascienda el horario de 8-3pm, de lunes a viernes.

Se proponen áreas de congregación ajardinados, anfiteatro al aire libre/cine, área de deporte, área de talleres de arte, área de puestos de venta de artesanías locales, área de exposición de arte/galería extendido hacia el área de circulación, entre otros.

martes, 11 de enero de 2011


PLAYSCAPES, es otro blog dentro del "blogger" que tiene unos proyectos interesantes de "landscape urbanism" específicamente enfocados en espacios para familias y niños.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

DJ Light, Lima 2010

"DJ Light is about the exhilaration of one person taking control over a massive space and manipulating the incredible array of light and sound within it using nothing more than their own body. It is an empowering experience where the public is invited to be the artist."

Como idea generadora (partí), DJ Light muestra la posibilidad de crear una especie de espacio público que no tan sólo es diseñado y el usuario se ajusta a lo establecido, sino que permite que lo diseñado y establecido sea afectado por el usuario.

pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011


Entre los diversos procedimientos situacionistas, la deriva se presenta como una técnica de paso ininterrumpido a través de ambientes diversos. El concepto de deriva está ligado indisolublemente al reconocimiento de efectos de naturaleza psicogeográfica, y a la afirmación de un comportamiento lúdico-constructivo, lo que la opone en todos los aspectos a las nociones clásicas de viaje y de paseo.

Marc Auge- Los No Lugares

Los no lugares- espacios del anonimato, una antropologia de la sobre modernidad